You don't have to be a major criminal to be confronted with criminal proceedings. Anyone can find themselves in the dock or on the victims' bench at some point and need a lawyer to defend their interests and assert their rights in a rather trying field, on either side.
In 2016, Guinea underwent a profound reform in criminal matters with the adoption of Act No. 2016/059/AN on the Criminal Code (CP) and Act No. 2016/060/AN on the Code of Criminal Procedure (CPP). The adoption of these two laws was preceded one year earlier by Act No. 2015/019/AN on the judicial organization in the Republic of Guinea. This triptych combined with a vast reform of the judicial sector in the Republic of Guinea requires informed support.
The 2016 Code of Criminal Procedure guarantees the right of each party, accused, complainant or victim, allowing in particular the presence of counsel from the first hearings. During all stages of a criminal case, the defence of the accused will require the establishment of an appropriate strategy to deal with pressure from the authorities, to request appropriate investigative measures, to request release and, in the event of a criminal sanction, to prepare an appeal or even to deal with issues relating to the enforcement of sentences. As for the complainant and the victim, the intervention of a lawyer is often essential in order, inter alia, to lodge a criminal complaint or to request urgent measures of removal or the preservation of economic interests. During the trial, the lawyer will still ensure that the investigation proceeds properly. It will also be able to calculate the amounts of financial claims that may be asserted by the complainant or victim.
Our firm will diligently assist you in all cases under the constant prism of defending your rights and interests.